Day two and Elijah is doing well.
Each time we get close to the hyperbaric chamber, he throws a temper tantrum as he knows what is coming. But, he seems to be getting calmer about being in there. Still only a half hour nap today, but he slept through the night last night! Woohoo! Hopefully he'll keep that up. Therapy is going well. Elijah is such a good boy and stays fairly happy throughout the day. What a blessing our boy is.
Pics from the day…

The little guy doesn't really like the "spider" - which is the bungee cord device he's in above. Tonight he was splashing in the tub -with his hands! I've never seen him do that before. Hopefully some changes are starting to occur.
Please keep us posted...
HEY guysI just wanted to say a TENN HELLO. We will be there in 2 weeks on March 16th. YEA
Chat with ya later..
Kristi Hogg
I will Rich.
Kristi - can't wait to see you all! Thanks for saying hi. :)
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