Andy and I were so excited to start a family and were thrilled when we found out I was pregnant. I loved to feel the baby move around in my belly and daydreamed about what our child would be like. Would we have a boy or a girl? Would he or she be blond or brunnette? August due date came and went and I was still pregnant. And then, we finally got to meet our baby. It was a boy!
Elijah James was born on Tuesday, August 14th at 10:58 PM. He was a whopping 9 lbs. 3 oz. and was 21.5 inches long. We were thrilled to finally meet the little one we had gotten to know for over nine months.
Unfortunately, the labor hadn't gone as planned (to put it mildly). After over twenty-four hours of labor, our poor boy had been through a lot and suffered from oxygen deprivation. He was born via emergency c-section and wasn't breathing. The next day he was transported to Children's Hospital. He had continuous seizures for a couple of days and was in a coma for over a week. He spent the first three weeks of his life in the hospital. Getting our boy home, however, was only the beginning of our journey.
This blog is Elijah's story, as told through my eyes. It's a story of overcoming the odds, putting trust in God, and the miracle of prayer. This is our family's story. Welcome to "Elijahland"...
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