Last night we went out to dinner at the Old Country Buffet with a couple from church. We were amazed at how many people took note of Elijah. He was in a great mood, playing, smiling, laughing and - wearing his little glasses.
(On a side note – I was really bummed that I couldn’t think of a single thing that Elijah could eat at OCB. With all of those mushy foods, you’d think there’d be something, but with his allergies to milk and eggs, nothing came to mind. I thought he could maybe have spaghetti, but alas it had butter in it. Mac n’ cheese – nope. Mashed potatoes – nope. Frozen yogurt – nope. Anything he’d be able to chew would have some sort of milk in it. So, he sadly got his usual baby food as we didn’t want to risk an allergic reaction and a possible trip to the ER. How do I fatten up a kid who can’t chew very well and can eat hardly anything? Sigh. But, I digress…)
I’m not over exaggerating when I say at least four people stopped at our table to tell us how adorable Elijah is. That’s not counting the people who stare and smile without saying anything. It seriously felt like he was a celebrity.
Elijah was only eight months old when we got his glasses. Most people aren’t used to seeing a baby in glasses, so people would literally point at us. I’ll never forget walking by a lady once and although she didn’t say anything (and had the decency not to point!) I knew exactly what she was thinking from the way she tilted her head and the expression on her face…Oh, a baby in glasses, how cute! Some people (usually teenagers, it seems) are a little more obvious. They’d stop, point, and say to their friends (loud enough for me to hear) “Look! A baby in glasses!” and they’d all smile with glee at the spectacle that is Elijah.
I thought since he is getting older people weren’t noticing our little guy in glasses as much. But within moments of sitting down last night at OCB, Elijah was getting that same treatment. A family was gathering at the door to leave and I saw them pointing and smiling at Elijah. It seriously took them longer to leave the restaurant because they all had to stop and stare at our little guy (and these pointing people were adults!).
It’s kind of a strange sensation to have people point at your kid. Not that I am complaining, as I know it is done in a positive manner. No one is making fun of him (which would be another story); they simply think he is cute. It’s cool to have people take note of what we already know – Elijah is one amazing little guy.
Last night, I sat at OCB thinking that I was glad people can experience a slice of the joy we receive from being around Elijah. He really is adorable and who can resist a little boy in glasses? Can you?

I have to admit, I can not resist a baby in glasses! And Elijah is so so so cute... I would probably stare too. :)
Good attitude--just bask in the cuteness attention--a baby is a gift to the world, and one of our jobs as parents is let our children brighten other peoples' days!
for food-- not that this would necessarily make anything healthy for him at OCB,(do they have plain veggies like Brocolli or green beans, maybe raw fruit salad?) but do you have a baby food mill? They're real cheap, and come in a little carrying case; you put food in, grind a little crank, and it comes out as mush. Good for if you can find food that will work for him if only it is mush-ified. Gerber makes one , several other brands. You can have ours if you want!
love, libby
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